Dashboard Indicators Defination
Thematic Area Category Indicator Name Numerator Denominator Dataset/ Tracker DHIS2 Server Name
Maternal Health MMR Maternal mortality ratio (per 100 000 live births) Maternal mortality ratio (per 100 000 live births) No.of maternal deaths. (community and reported by HI, AHI) Number of live births reported by HI, AHI Health Assistant Monthly Activity Report Community Clinic
Maternal Health NMR (Neonatal mortality rate per 1000 LB) Neonatal mortality rate per 1000 LB No.of Neonatal Death (0-7 days + 8-28 days ) Total Live Birth Health Assistant Monthly Activity Report Community Clinic
Maternal Health Births attended by skilled health personnel Births attended by skilled health personnel No.of births attended by skilled health personnel (doctors, nurses or midwives) trained in providing life-saving obstetric care, including giving the necessary supervision, care and advice to women during pregnancy, childbirth and the postpartum period, t The total number of live births in the same period. Health Assistant Monthly Activity Report Community Clinic
Maternal Health Stillbirth rate Stillbirth rate at facility/1000 TB Number of fetuses and infants born with no sign of life and born after 28 weeks gestation, or weighing ? 1000g. at facility Total number of birth at facility Monthly EmONC DataSet with Genital Fistula/Urban Maternal health and newborn care Services dataset Central Server
Maternal Health Institutional MMR Institutional maternal mortality ratio (per 100 000 deliveries) No. of maternal deaths in institutions. Total number of deliveries (all deliveries that include live and stillbirths) in institutions. Monthly EmONC DataSet with Genital Fistula/Urban Maternal health and newborn care Services dataset Central Server
Maternal Health Institutional NMR Institutional neonatal mortality rate (per 1000 deliveries) No. of neonatal deaths in institutions. Total number of deliveries (all deliveries that include live and stillbirths) in institutions. Monthly EmONC DataSet with Genital Fistula/Urban Maternal health and newborn care Services dataset Central Server
Maternal Health Institutional SBR Institutional Stillbirth rate-iSBR (per 1000 TB) No.of fetuses and infants born with no sign of life and born after 28 weeks gestation, or weighing ? 1000g. at facility Total number of birth at facility Monthly EmONC DataSet with Genital Fistula/Urban Maternal health and newborn care Services dataset Central Server